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SINOMACH-HI  YD320 Bulldozer

SINOMACH-HI  YD320 Bulldozer

Características del producto

  • CuMilímetroins national emission standard Ⅱ engine is used, which has large output torque and low fuel consumption. It is reliable, energy-saving and environment-friendly.
  • Single-stage single-phase three element hydraulic torque converter is used. The vehicle does not have to be stopped shifting. The work efficiency is improved.
  • The Shanghai Photroland air filter and prefilter device are used, which extend service life of engine and increase the maintenance interval.
  • Engine muffler cancel ejector device, increase exhaust given it, reduce the exhaust pressure, and then reduce the fuel consumption.
  • Adopt sealed measures before and after heat isolation cooler air, which improves the cooler to come loose hot effect.
  • Air conditioning cooler is under the engine hood. It can cool with cooling air of the engine and improve the cooling effect.
  • Oil, water and other daily maintenance point humanized decorate, inspection, maintenance is convenient.
  • La máquina adopta una avanzada tecnología de accionamiento hidráulico y control hidráulico. Tiene estructura avanzada y razonable, control portátil y flexible, y calidad confiable.

Parámetros del producto

型号 Modelo Unidad Modeloo: YD320 整机重量 Peso total Kilogramo 37200 发动机型号 Modeloo de motor   Modeloo: NTAA855-C360S20 发动机标定功率 Potencia nominal del motor Los kW 257 接地比压 Radio Tierra ¡Kpa! 105 外形尺寸(长××高) Dimensión total (L/W/H) Milímetro 6880×4130× 3725 推土铲(宽×高) Cuchilla topadora (W/H) Milímetro 4130× 1590 前进1-3档行驶速度 Hacia adelante-Velocidad de viaje Kw/h 3.6-11.5 后退1-3档行驶速度 Atrás...Velocidad de viaje Kw/h 4.4-13.5 牵引装置/松土器 Equipo de tracción/escarificador (Opcional)   Fijo/1-dientes

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