Características del producto
Small in size and weight but big in power and performance, the Tier 4 Final CASE TR270 widens its lead in the industry. Ideal for landscaping and applications requiring light footprints, this workhorse delivers best-in-class torque, breakout force and auxiliary hydraulic flow.
The rugged TR270 is landscaping’s little heavyweight, providing more strength to lift, move and simply do more per day. Equipped with new EZ-EH software and upgraded control handles, it’s a breeze to customize your control settings. Stay productive all day long with triple flange, lifetime sealed rollers which help prevent de-tracking on inclines. Optional high-flow (32.4 gpm) allows you to optimize your high-performance attachments.
Fuel Efficiency
Although small in size, the TR270 is powered by a strong Tier 4 Final CEGR engine, delivering an increase in power while meeting Tier 4 Final emissions regulations. The 19.5 gal fuel tank allows you to run all day without refueling.
Comfort and Visibility
Stay comfortable all day long in the nearly 3 ft wide cab. The cab is fully sealed and pressurized against noise, dirt and fumes. Plus, the cab-forward design provides best-in-class visibility with sight lines to bucket edges, curb lines and rearward.
All routine service points are conveniently located at the rear of the machine, allowing you to quickly access the engine, filters or fill points to properly maintain and extend the life of your CASE machine.
Tier 4 Final
Why this solution: The TR270 is a compact track loader known for its light footprint and versatility, so simplicity and performance are key. This Tier 4 Final solution requires no new actions or upkeep and improves engine power by up to 10% so operators can focus entirely on the work at hand.
How it works: The high-pressure common rail (HPCR) system electronically controls fuel injection for greater fuel economy through more efficient fuel burn. With Cooled Exhaust Gas Recirculation (CEGR), exhaust gases are cooled, blended with fresh air and then returned to the cylinder. This lowers combustion temperatures and drastically reduces NOx emissions while producing more particulate matter.
The additional particulate matter is managed by the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC). The DOC converts emissions into neutral gases and automatically burns it off using heat from the exhaust.
What this means to you: This solution is a maintenance-free solution, requiring no costly DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) to replace and no new fluids to add.
Powered by an FPT engine.
Base & Extended Warranty Coverage
1 Year / Unlimited Hour Full Coverage Base Warranty
2 Year / 2,000 Hour Extended Warranty at No Charge
Engine Warranty - Warrants all internal, lubricated parts that are captured between the valve cover and oil pan, cylinder block and head, exhaust manifold, front cover and flywheel housing, turbocharger, engine oil cooler and water pump.
Purchased Protection
Purchased Protection Plan is an extension of the factory base and extended coverage available at an additional cost. Your CASE dealer can help you determine the plan that best fits your needs. Plans are available up to three-years / 5,000 hours on CASE Compact Track Loader models.
Please see your Case dealer for limitations, exclusions, and confirmation of policies in effect. The CASE Warranty remains in effect during the Warranty Period if the owner performs the required maintenance at the recommended intervals outlined in the product’s operator’s manual and the unit is operated within its rated capacity. Genuine CASE service parts or CASE approved service parts that meet CASE specifications must be used for maintenance and repairs.
Parámetros del producto
Entorno del operador
- Toldo ROPS/FOPS Nivel 1 con pantallas laterales
- Encendido de arranque con llave
- Inclinación ROPS/FOPS
- Ventana trasera con escape de emergencia
- Asiento de suspensión, vinilo con cinturón de seguridad retráctil de 3 puntos (51 mm)
- Aceleradores de mano y pie
- Paquete de alarma – respaldo y bocina
- Espejo retrovisor
- Pavimento
- Luz de cúpula
- Ventana superior
- Portavasos
- Toma de corriente 12V
- Descanso del pie
- Bolsillo de asiento
- Barra de asiento acolchada con reposabrazos integrales
- Sistema de bloqueo del control del cargador
- Control de freno de estacionamiento eléctrico
- Limpieza del piso del compartimiento del operador
- Control hidráulico auxiliar proporcional – en joystick
- Grupo avanzado de instrumentos con medidor digital de horas, tacómetro, gráfico de barras LCD de nivel de combustible con alarma, características de diagnóstico y bloqueo de seguridad
- Luces de advertencia con alarmas: temperatura del refrigerante del motor, presión del aceite del motor, mal funcionamiento del motor, presión de carga hidráulica, restricción del filtro hidráulico
- Temperatura del aceite hidráulico: parada crítica del sistema, sistema de motor, sistema hidráulico, sistema eléctrico y sistema de diagnóstico
- Alarmas de advertencia: voltaje de la batería-más pantalla, servicio de aceite
- Luz indicadora: precalentamiento del motor, freno de estacionamiento, recordatorio de la barra del asiento
Tren de transmisión
- Cuatro ruedas motrices hidrostáticas de 2 velocidades
- Freno de estacionamiento de disco SAHR
- Modelo: FPT F5H FL463 A
- 207 CID (3,4 L) Turbo
- Certificado final Tier 4
- Catalizador de partículas (PMC)
- Inyección de combustible Common Rail (HPCR) de alta presión
- Potencia: Bruta: 74 CV (55 kW) | Neta: 68 CV (51 kW)
- Par máximo 314 N · m (232 lb · ft)
- Alternador 120 amperios
- Filtro de aire de doble elemento
- Tecnología de ácido orgánico (OAT)
- Solución anticongelante a -34º F
- Tanque de combustible-19.5 gal (EE.UU.)
- Encima y debajo del radiador y enfriador de aceite
- 3-stack después de la configuración del enfriador/radiador/enfriador de aceite
- Bujías de incandescencia
- Enfriador de aceite integral del motor
- Filtro de combustible con trampa de agua
- Batería de 1.000 CCA 12V
- Maestro de desconexión eléctrica
- Acoplador de fijación manual
- Geometría de elevación radial
- Soporte de brazo de elevación del cargador puntal
- Carga de operación SAE: 2,700 lbs
- Carga de vuelco: 5,400 lbs
- Sistema hidráulico auxiliar: 210 bar (3,050 psi) – 91,5 l/min (24,2 gpm)
- Sistema de filtración de aceite de 6 micras
- Válvula de control de cargador de 3 carretes
- Desconexiones hidráulicas auxiliares, cara plana ISO – conectar-bajo presión con drenaje de la caja
- Bloqueo de pedal de circuito hidráulico
- Anulación del bloqueo de la función auxiliar
- Anulación del bloqueo del elevador del cargador
- Refrigerador de aceite hidráulico resistente
- Posición del flotador del brazo del cargador
- Sistema de bloqueo de la función del cargador
- HiQual S-Wave Pistas
- Luces halógenas-2 delanteras, 2 laterales, 2 traseras
- Luces delanteras de servicio pesado
- Pre-cableado para la baliza giratoria
- Capucha de acceso de servicio con cerradura
- Servicio diario en un solo punto
- Luces traseras traseras
- Drenaje de aceite remoto
- Filtros remotos de aceite y combustible
- Calentador de bloque
- Sellado de entrada de escombros
- Puntos de montaje para contrapesos adicionales